Garden Update
The garden is growing! Every day is an exciting new day in the garden right now. New sprouts, bigger leaves, flowers, and produce! I’ve already harvested the first plot of radishes, and a few of the sugar snap peas. I wanted to share a garden update with you, mostly in photos.
Sugar Snap Peas Radish Plot Radish Ready to Harvest Lettuce Head Sprouts and Such Swiss Chard
The Enclosure
The other garden update is that we finally finished the enclosure around the garden boxes, to keep out birds and other pests. Hubby had this awesome idea to build PVC frames, strap netting to them, and then hang them on hooks to the main 4×4 frame we have around the boxes. Each of the “walls” comes off easily so you can still access any side of the garden to work inside. It’s working out really well so far, check it out!
Read the post on building these garden boxes here.
Read the post about building the garden enclosure here.

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